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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What is the Meaning of Each finger for rings????

Have you ever thought what is the meaning of each finger for rings? Take a look what each finger represents and how the right ring can make a difference.

These finger rings when combined with specific birthstones help to create a balanced effect for many issues in one’s life. But, have you ever wondered what is the meaning of each finger for rings? Does having a ring on a particular finger signify something deep? Well, lets take a look at meanings of rings on fingers.

What is the Meaning of each Finger for Rings?
The thumb symbolizes the will power in a person. This finger is connected with the inner self of a person. In case you have been told to wear a ring on this finger, you would need to be especially attentive to the changes that happen in your life. The ring would then help to boost your willpower.

The index finger represents authority, leadership and ambition. This finger is considered to represent a certain kind of power. This was particularly seen in the ancient days when powerful Kings wore rings on their index finger. Therefore, wearing a ring on this finger would help you get a boost in this direction.

The middle finger represents individuality of a person. Located in the middle, it symbolizes a balanced life. Wearing a ring on this finger would help you to add balance to your life.

The ring finger is the fourth finger. This ring finger of the left hand has a direct connection with the heart. Therefore, the wedding ring is worn on this finger. It also represents emotions (affection) and creativity in a person. Wearing a ring on the right hand would help you to become more optimistic in your life.

The little finger represents everything about relationships. This finger is all about our associations with the outside world as compared to the thumb; where in the latter is all about the inner self. This little finger represents our attitude towards others. Wearing a ring on this finger would help one to enhance their relationships particularly in terms of marriage and helps to improve business relationships as well. It also helps to change a person’s attitude towards relationships for better. The creativity is associated with emotional as well as material things.

Rings are thus an important entity amongst all jewelry items. Before you plan to wear any kind of ring, it’s better you consult a professional to know about the kind of jewelry to be worn. Be it a diamond ring or an engagement ring, a wedding ring, or a promise ring, one cannot ignore the beauty of these rings as fashionable jewelry. So, it’s not always a person wears a ring only for religious or other such beliefs, but there are many people who choose to opt for it only as a fashion statement! Well, no matter what the reason, finger rings sure do enhance the overall look of the wearer!


Monday, March 16, 2009


Some U.K. students are taking the hip urban moves known as Parkour to fulfill their gym requirement while adults enjoy it for a workout that isn't about looks, reports Sheila MacVicar.

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Myth on Sneezing...AhhhhCHOO!

Myth on sneezing
In Japan, according to Devon, there’s one that has to do with how many times you sneeze.

It says if you sneeze once, it means someone is praising you;
If you sneeze twice, it means someone is criticizing you/saying bad things about you;
If you sneeze three times, it means you are being scolded;
And if you sneeze four times or more, well, it means you have a cold.

In English there’s a saying about the number of times you sneeze and what it means too. It goes…

Once, a wish,
Twice a kiss,
Three times a letter,
Four times something better.

Here’s an English proverb about the day you sneeze on, and what that means…

If you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze for danger;
Sneeze on Tuesday, you kiss a stranger;
Sneeze on Wednesday, you sneeze for a letter;
Sneeze on a Thursday, for something better;
Sneeze on a Friday, you sneeze for sorrow;
Sneeze on a Saturday, your sweetheart tomorrow;
Sneeze on a Sunday, your safety seek,
The devil will have you the whole of the week.

Here’s a last proverb that tells about what it means if you sneeze at different times of day…

Sneeze before you eat,
See your sweetheart before you sleep.
Sneeze between twelve and one,
Sure sign somebody’ll come.
Sneeze between one and two,
Come to see you.
Sneeze between two and three,
Come to see me.
Sneeze between three and four,
Somebody’s at the door.
